Sunday, October 5, 2008

Future psychologist's part time job

So far so bad. Weather is totally helping in ruining my work now and then. 
First day colleague's tyre punctured when I was in his car. 5th day, which is 2day, bumper-kiss accident when I was in his car. WHt's coming up next? I cant wait to see.

How I wish I am agoraphobic.
Damn. Now I know running for sales alone is much much more stress than study for finals.
And so~ I'm regretting over my I'm-notgonaquitwithoutgettingpaidfor13hours-work decision. 24days to go.To hell wif digi. 2mr offday so not counted in. 

Why continue ur job if u hate it so much??Good quest. here comes my rationalisation..
This job can help me have a better understanding of human nature, stereotypes, societal norms and lotss more.
This job trains me to lower my self esteem. Always have a low self-esteem even though ur smarter than the leader or even the boss. 
This job helps me to challenge myself whether in terms of courage, communication skills, how 2 deal with rejectionzz and how to motivate myself and others to do something.
THis same shitty job even helps me build up my self confidence when talking to malays! damn!!!my malay sucks.
See how powerful is rationalization? I'm awestruck by it also.

I'm indeeed, amazed and truely salute those ppl who can deal wif rejections everyday. Imagine U've been turned down 200 times daily.Its not easy talking to strangers and have strangers listening to you attentively. If ur not properly motivated and have a considerably amount of self-worthy, u'll suffer from emotional and morale breakdown for sure. Not everybody can handle this. And for those who can handle that with ease is just simply awesome.
Agree wif me?? Salute me then.

A future psychologist working as sales consultant in digi masquerading as a fall out college student planning venue and tactics for the sales team and serves as the advisor to the leader of the sales team. Its too good to be true(for digi) and too bad they will only realise the fact when I see their jaws drop next month upon resignation. So long now.

-I'm awesome-


Xiang Yuan said...

"This job trains me to lower my self esteem. Always have a low self-esteem even though ur smarter than the leader or even the boss." This sentence doesn't really show that ur self esteem has been lowered. Ok maybe u are confident.. Haha... But I guess the real awesome ppl don't really need to tell others that they are awesome.. Others will know it by themselves. =)

Ivan Teng said...

Hi Ian,
By thinking that i'm smarter than them means I have high self-esteem. But by serving under those people whom i think IQ inferior to me, I HAVE to lower my self-esteem. that's what i meant.
This is my 'awesome' blog. SO I have to emphasize on that.Plz understand.And I dun go around telling others i'm awesome.

Xiang Yuan said...

It's the same la... If ppl think that ur blog is awesome then it's awesome... Don't need to emphasize on that one... :P

Ivan Teng said...

The thing is how i perceive my blog to be and that brings a meaning to me. what people think doesnt impact me. I don write blog to please ppl. I do it for myself. I'm awesome has becum my style of blogging. Live with that. :p

Xiang Yuan said...

okok.. haha....

Unknown said...

ya u have my deepest salutation because of ur awesomeness and awfully rationalized all problems.

But i just just feel sorry to ur colleague....because u were in the car! just try do not pick u then he or she will see the problem to his car

Earl Grey said...

live with rejections...hahahaha... r u hypnotising urself that u r awesome???

Ivan Teng said...

Hi Han, Thanks for your 'salutation'. And about the car, I din wish to have a car crash also. So dun say like i'm the culprit of all these misfortunes.

Ivan Teng said...

HI earl grey, hypnotizing does make people awesome, for that is momentarily effective only. My awesomeness? Its totally diff.

Thanks for commenting btw.

Ivan Teng said...

HI airin, I'm not seeking attention or seeking to be loved. I din say that because i need all those. I'm just being me. And its awesome.